
Thursday 8 December 2011

He's Mine~

Yesterday is the day---> 7/12/2011

He show me that he really love me. I'm so so words can describe it.. I just fall in love with him. Never thought that u will be mine. We have the same feeling towards each other and it call love. I don't care if he younger than me. The important thing is I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I'll never cheat on u dear. You must promise me the same thing..!! MUST..!!!

All what i want is our journey will remain forever. I don't want anybody else cz I already got u. I love You Gerald.. <3 <3

Tuesday 6 December 2011

I'm In LOVE again

Uiiiii...happy2 yg sy suka mmg suka sy cn??. He told me that yesterday. Feel like I want to fly without the wing..ahahaa..That the most wonderful time i ever feel. Dia bgtau yg dia suka sy since dia tnmpak sy d sklh..isssh2..mcm drama Korea la plak..nway, I really like him..he the 'LB' boy..aigoooo...but, dia ada gf la..and it's too late la kn dia kata dia x suka dia pnya gf..hmmm..yake? setahu sy x da bf yg x ska gf dia..tapi..dia kata dia suka sy..aigoo..lg la pelik..n mmg tkejut abis x nya,sy suka dia bh..sgt2 lg tu..dia kata dia akn bgtau gf dia but he just don't know xpnh pn mnta dia break ngn gf dia tp sy suka dia..xkn la dia mau jd kn sy ni scandal dia..issshh..x ku ingin..bgs lg single..but, if he really love me,he would tell her girl the truth right..Hmmmm.. we'll see what happen next. I can't predict anything.. to fall in love with him or to fall apart.. xblh pntingkn diri sndri jg dlm hal ni..suka mmg suka tp fikir pasal org lain jg..hati org bukan mcm mainan..pandai sakit jg tu.. u LB..

Friday 2 December 2011

I did it and i 'm sure that the best decision

I've tell him the truth about my feeling last Thursday. And now he become my friend. We are OK become friend than couple. Last night he want to turn back with me but i can't. That my final decision and i will not change it. I'm really sorry to hurt you. You said that the same thing will happen to me in my future..but it's ok..that what we call life..klu dh xda komitmen mau bcouple jgn sj bh..remember someone that love you. nway, Forget about him and continue with my life.

Things i want to do on my Holiday:

1: Traveling : Visit the wonderful place in the country
2: Decorate my own room
3: Day at the beach ( walk with my dog )
4: Hit the holiday sale
5: Get healthy
6: Go on off-road trip : I like adventure.
7: Get a make over : I want to get a curly hair. Mine is curl but it not too curl now.
8: ....
still got a lot in my mind. It will randomly come on my holiday.. xD

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Someone told me This

last Tuesday someone told me that he doesn't love his girlfriend.
it's make me think like ouh..! we are in the same situation then. I did't love my boyfriend and i don't know why. Hate this feeling...!!

 Sometimes i need to listen to my own feeling...

This time, I have to listen to my feeling ..I just need to tell him the it really bad for me to say that?? hmm..i'll think about it and tell him when it is a perfect time.


Now i got time for my blog

It's had been 2 months i didn't write anything on my page.

well,i had a busy month.I need to prepare for my final exam.Until today,i still have two papers to go.i had finish my 6 papers.thanks God.The questions is totally hard to answer but i do my best.

My exam papers:

1.General Education 1 & 2
2.History 1 & 2
3.Business Education 1 & 2
4.Economic 1 & 2

my last paper is on Dec 13..can't wait to finish it.I just want to enjoy my holiday after exam.

Wednesday 28 September 2011's not OK..!

I will not say "It's OK" from now on ..!

...said "IT's OK" does not mean it's all OK. to fortify others so i just say it "It's ok" .. hmmm ... it's would make my mind disturbed..want to explode like a big BOOM..!! everything is wrong.. all I did is not ok ..

so,to solve my problem I tried to stay calm, think positively and try not to get ANGRY..

Tuesday 27 September 2011

forget about L.O.V.E

After struggle with love issue i think i have to forget about it from now on. Have to FOCUS in my study.
there a lot of things that i have to do before the times is gone.
i have only about TWO MONTH before the BIG EXAM...
i'm not ready for it. 8 papers is not easy. but i have to do my best. but how..??? I'm try hard to have a better result in my last exam or i'm "dead" to my devil teacher. I have to prove that i can do it. hahaa..wish me luck..!

Sunday 25 September 2011

Today totally ruined..rosak abis..

I got two eyes..yup..xda rabun2..perfect eyes lg tu..but why msti tyme jln2 ada sj la sy ni terlanggar tiang or someone or anythings malu sj bh. Ari ni sy tlnggar tiang di boulevard..pnya la bsr tiang tu tp msh jg tlanggar..bengong..mata sy juling ke? sy tgk ok je pn..nsib sj org xda sn..if x mmg malu abis la..then tyme jln2 hmpir tjatuh plak di smua slh si selipar..nnt buang kt laut bru tau..nsib sj x jtuh btol2..kasi saham turun sj..yg paling teruk ari ni tlanggar pntu msk di Blvard..akaii....hmir lebam o kepala..sapa la pnya idea p pasang pntu cermn tu..klu auto buka xpa x..buka sndri..dh la byk org lg tgk..ahahah..nsib sy pndai blakon..bt2 x tau je pastu..jln mcm x pnh blaku pn..clumsy me..!!

Saturday 17 September 2011

Apa mcm sda ni???

My heart still dupdup when I meet you..gila ke apa..mkin sy mau lupa kn dia mkin sy ingt kt dia..mcm bdk2 btol la..ahahhaa...knpa blh jd mcm ni..?? org sda ada gf la oiii...!!!! stop looking at him..please laa...xde makna nya..if dia single xpa jg..aiyaaa...u ni sy mau kasi crta dlu ni..knpa o if sy ada d mn2 msti ada dia? bkn sy p kjr dia pn. tp mmg dh mcm tu..dia pnya gf mmg untung la dpt smone mcm dia..wait2..perangai dia mcm mn o?? sy tgk la kn..ok2 je pn..mcm bdk2 pn ada jg..klu dia senyum mmg mulut dia jd senget..ahahaa..keunikan bh tu..muka jgn d pandang..hati dlu km lg km sn..!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Things I want to do

There's a lot I want to do in this precious life. If I have money I will help all the poor people..but I'm not billionaire..that org kaya pnya tugas.. hidup ni enth bila2 blh gol..tpikir jg sy mau bt pa yg lbh bfaedah n ican enjoy myself with people surrounding me..happy2 always bh..

1.CAMPING..di dlm hutan yg selamat..
 mcm dlm pic yg tu over lonely asalkn selamat n i'm ok..xmau la p hutan yg ada anaconda tu. da jk x blik2 nnt..ahhaaa..btw,bkn pa sy mau try ni jnis yg tkt gelap..mau tdur pn msti on lmpu..d hutan xda lmpu so mau try la..mengatasi ketakutan d hutan plus lbh enjoy..then msti ada sungai yg jernih if mau p camping dlm hutan..tujuan utama mau mndi sungai..yuuhuuuu..!!


Sy ni org Sarawak.asl di Miri..mmg dr kecil lg dh stay di miri..paling jauh sy pnh p smpai di Sri Aman..mau pijak Kuching pn blm..if d airport dia sda la..jst blm round2 mcm tourist lg..i want to try take roads that I never taken before..I may discover many quirky treasures about this land we call HOME..then di Sabah..mau p tgk pantai dia sj pn ckup mau p panjat G.Kinabalu if blh la..angan2 je tau..


Wall climbing would helps to build both of agility and our biceps. Tyme kcil2 sy panjat pokok sj pn. nama jg tahun monyet so perangai pn mcm monyet ckit2..ahhaha..btw,i would prefer to try the indoor rock climbing gyms..yg sy tau ada di Camp 5 di One Utama sj..yg lain d mn o.??


Dr kcil lg sy sda menulis..mcm2 sy tulis.surat cinta sda.surat sakit sda.surat rasmi x rasmin pn sda..mcm2 ada..but nw I want somethings new..doesn't matter if it's poetry, a book, a review, or even a no need la..sda ada..there's something very significant about putting down our thoughts, ideas, dreams into a words. Best thing is, I'll get to look back at my 'Work ' many years down the road and catch ' glimpses ' of the person you were...yg ni sy sda start jg o..ada yg happy,sad n mcm2 la..mmg ketawa jg sy bca kdang2..

Sunday 11 September 2011

Letter to my Siblings

i love all of you and i do miss you when you are not around..isshh2..kali ni sy mau tulis surat cinta fr km 4 org..

Dear Sisters,
both of you are the beautiful person in the world but u know ake lg gap.. :D..ihihiih.. nw both of u are not with me here n I feel so so borink..but,sometimes if ekem un pn mls jg aku tgk.ahhaa..but i thankful coz i have both of you as my sister..jd aku pnya deriba..

Dear Brothers,
both of you are awesome..!!! cehhh..yela tu..kaki bully..pling sy suka tyme tumbuk2 mcm tau sy x kuat tp bst jg tmbuk2 tau sy tmbuk talak sakit..tu la sy ska tmbuk..xda rasa jgn tmbuk sy kuat o nnt sy ngis bru tau..toinkk2..bab pling best main judi sama lu msti mng pnya..main gn otak lor..ahahaha..manyak untung i kna lu dua..ahahhaa..just a games k.. peace no war.. :p

Saturday 10 September 2011

my bro sda gila..!

such a jerkk!..he's just 16 yrs old and now he think that he's cool..although your body are twice bigger than not afraid of you..! sy lastik dr jauh sj ko tu..naaa...nnt klu km ssh jgn cri sy o..skati kau je mau tikam2 sy gn barang. kalau la sy ni lelaki mmg sy tumbuk2 ko pnya muka itu.kasi buaya skati je mau mrh org. nnt klu dady blik ko sruh dia beli utk km k. sy blh bg pnjam tp sy pn mau gn bh..sapa sruh km kasi rosak itu lappy dlu..naaa..skrg mau gn sy pnya..sabar2 je la tnggu..byk lg hmwrk sy mau bt blog2 la dlu..ahahhaa..sj2 bh ni..nnt klu km baca ni tau2 la km sy mau bg buaya mkn km..d tmn buaya 2 sy tikam km kuat d blog sj. jgn tikam sy lg gn barang..skit o..sot bro!!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Start Your Engine...!

What make you wake up on the morning...?
Aduhh..knpa la sy ni bgn awl sgt ari ni..?? dh la cuti lg 2. dh tbiasa sda bgn pgi awl sgt mau turun sklh. pkl 5 sda bgn.. tyme cuti la org tdo lma2 smpai tghari. Pa pnya mata la ni. slh timing btol ko ni bgn..aiyaaa..nnt klu tyme sklh ssh plak dia mau bgn. tu la sllu lmbt p sklh. pkul 6.45+ bru mau smpai. mn x nya nama sllu kna tulis itu pngawas gate..nyaman km..!!bt malu senior sj bh..ehh..yaka??malu la mrka?? last year d sklh bh ni..skati sy laa. cigu talak marah sma sy pn..ehhehee.. Cuti ni pnya la byk homework. btimbun2 cigu bg..ingat sy ni robokop ke??xda kecian ka sma sy cigu?? letih sy tulis menulis ni..dh la tgn lembab sgt. tulisan pn sda jd cakar ayam gituu..x mcm tulisan pmpuan sda..malu la sy..harap2 cigu semua paham yerr..BTW,bt homework pgi2 la sy suka..byk idea yg sy mimpi mlm relevan ke??hmmm..pndai2 la cigu check..sapa sruh jd cigu..ahaha..good job my cigu..syg km smua..! bjanji akan siap kn smua homework sy..kcuali si ekonomoney..! ssh bh 2..kasi pening palak tgk keluk2..x ngam sy ni jd business women..lg pn sy pn xmau stress mcm cigu eko..tkt deh..! masam2 ko pnya muka. senyum cikit talak..tu pasal la sy pn sda kna virus tyme class km. masam2 ekonomoney sda..apa mcm mau bljar..? klu km snyum cikit pn sda sy cukup bsyukur hard feeling o cigu..wlpa2 pn,sy tetap syg km..

My Heart dupdup when i see ur face

 Org p sklh p belajar..ya..mmg mata ni dh tertarik kt someone..akaii..parai ku waii...dh la dia muda 1 tahun dr sy..mcm mn ni?? kasi tutup itu mata..Bengong sy.. Mn2 sy pg mmg ada la dia. Muka dia bkn nya encem sgt pn. Encem lg my smthing special bout him yg bt sy trtarik smpai cm ni. snyuman dia yg so so nmpak gigi..ahahaa..cute tu just perasaan sj bh kn.. 1 class tau sy sllu tgk la sgt..x blh control sda my mata dia pn sllu jg tgk sy..ahaha..perasan nk mampus laa..eee..xmalu sy ni..sot..! xtau pn sapa nma dia tht y sy pngil dia "LB" cz sy tau dia org LunBawang..n dia ada gerek dlm hati uiiii~ jeles trsangat2.. tht y sy mau kasi tutup ini mata n hati yg dupdup. fokus bljar la duhh...!! tiap pg p sklh mmg dia la pnymbut tak nya dia pngwas yg jg gate..snyum2 la sy dlm keta..jln pn straight jk xmok pndang dia..tkt kantoi plak.. apa2 x mau bh sy curi gerek org..yg dia ska tgk sy pasal la o?? u like me? I like u..! ahaha..budu pnya org..toinkk2..kasi ketuk sy pnya kepala ni..! bh ni sj la yg sy mampu b'sot2.. pkai sy ketawa d masa hadapan.. Love make u crazy..uii..fall in love ka sy?? sda ada yg pnya..bonggok deh sy..!!!

Monday 25 April 2011

Place I want to Go...!!

Place that I dream of... beautiful Beach.. love the sand,the wind,the waves and all things about the beach.. bagi saya la kn..pantai la tmpat yg paling best. boleh tenangkn fikiran lg tu..yg pling best jln2 pijak itu pasir mcm d movie romantic tu. plus ada org yg paling kita love btambah indah la dia.. sapa la org yg buntung tu nnt.. sy pn x tau..wait n see  je larhh..klu ada mmg sy syg sgt2 sma itu olang.. uiii..lari topic sda sy..

Ni Pulau Sipadan,Sabah. Cantik kn..blh selam2 gitu..~

                                             Yg ni Pulau curi dr blog org td..:D

                                           Yg ni sy pnya pantai..d Miri bh ni.. dkt2 ngn my rmh..
                                           Wlpn xda pondok pkai sy bteduh tp blh la ni..cantik jg dia..

Wednesday 30 March 2011

What I like the most..

Ni la kerja org yg borink..mbil pic  byk2 pa yg mampu..
1st pic--> pic dr blik Dynasty Hotel Miri. Entah knpa tba2 jk mau mbil pic tyme mlm2. X nmpk pa2 bangunan pn.pelik2..

2nd pic--> Green Tea..! Fav bh tu..mn2 je p mmg tu la yg d mnm.

3rd pic--> Otw p sklh tyme ptg2..bdk rajin p sklh la katakn.. ni jln yg urut org.mmg best.melambung2.. ahaha

last pic--> My lovely Mitchie Chester...!! Puppy yg paling nakal d rmh..tido pn dlm bilik..aigooo..ssh2..

entah pa2 yg sy tulis ni..sot btul..

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Take time to laugh
it is the music of the soul (i laugh till i cried)

Take to to love and be loved
It is a God-given privilege (i have been hurt,its part of being human)

Take time to be friendly
It is the road to happiness (good friend are hard to find these days)

Take time to give
It is too short a day to be shelfish (i had more time and less money to give then,today it's opposite)

Take time to work
It is the price of success. (i am still paying the price!)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

ideas you must try..!


1#Making friends and keeping them..
2#Hang out with people from other race and nations..
3#Go for vacation with your friends..
4#Go fly a kite-Mary Poppins
5#Complete your bible cover to cover...Finish your degree...finish your bible..

1#Break a law more achievable...less costly..
2#Create a scene
wrap up your friend's car or bike with tissue during his or her birthday..
3#Climb room to room ...from class to class(if you have a balcony)..
4#3 in 1 experience: Run in the rain,taste the rain,shampoo your hair in the rain..^^
5#Camp or picnic at the field on a midnight..

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Holiday is really boring..!!
all my friends are far from me..
90% of whom are U students at this point in my life..
facebook is my only friend during the holiday..
because it helps me keep in touch with them the most..THNX FB..^^

but in my real life..
without friends with me..huhh
it's really bored..
make me relized that friends is very important..
they need one each other..
no matter where they are,skin colour and the difference between them..
they always be friends..

My bestfriend..Karen Nubur Agan.. :D
she is really far from me..
she like a lil sis to me..
if i can,i would like to visit her at her hometown..
but i'm still have a lot to do here..
my school work,exam is the big prob..haiyaahh..!!

ohh..wish i can go with her someday.. I Miss U

song of my life

If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
oh oh oh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother
She'll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I’m as green as the ring on my little cold finger
I’ve never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There’s a boy here in town says he’ll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no I’ll sell them for a dollar
Find More lyrics at
They're worth so much more after I’m a gonner
And maybe then you’ll hear the words I been singin’
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin’

If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
oh oh

The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket
Save them for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls